Tuesday 11 October 2011

Music video research/questionaire

In order to get a more consise idea about my target audience, I have decided to carry out a question with a few questions that should help me gain usuful information.

I have created the questionaire on google documents, and this is it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&pli=1&formkey=dFRwdV9QZWhUWldsMkVTM0RHZG16VWc6MQ#gid=0

I will distribute it through various social networking sites and as soon as I have enough reponses, will gather the data and transform it into a more useful form

1 comment:

  1. a good link and good evidence BUT the blog overall is visually dry - you MUST develop the habit of using a range of visual links/scaffolding and support.
    the assessment criteria requires a range of creative interactive digital media to provide evidence of your research/planning/pre-production and production. your work is good but the blog needs to have a more creative and stimulating visual feel - cater for all types of audience
