Saturday 19 November 2011

More Set Locations

Here is another slideshow of another set location:

Ideas for use of this location are that the artist is walking along, singing the song, creating contrast to the busy coffee shop scenes, whilst also implementing more performance footage. I plan to film this when it is dark, and add a black and White effect to it, to make it plain, simple, and to give it a noir feel.

This is an example of a similar concept:

"WAITING ON THE WORLD TO CHANGE!!" - JOHN MAYER from Wolde Archer on Vimeo.

A majority of this video features the artist singing while walking , this not only adds a sense of drama to the video, but also a more personal touch, as it can be interpreted either 1. the artist is sharing his inner most thoughts with the audience or 2. he is singing directly to the viewer. I would like to use this concept in my video, especially where the artist is looking directly at the camera, but change the footage to black and white, to add a possibly more darker image, which relates to my song more, but to also increase the artist-veiwer link that this kind of scene creates.

1 comment:

  1. nice idea Sam - you need to add images taken at night in black and white and then add comments as to the cinematographic changes/improvements captured by changing the light source/level. Also add comments about the mood/atmosphere - and possibly rejected location shots with reasons as to why
