Thursday 29 December 2011

Style Models for the Actors

Very shortly I should be filming some parts of my music video.
Due to difficulties in finding a suitable and available actress has led me to postpone all filming that requires her, though I am still searching for someone, and will make sure to film the remaining parts asap.

The two actors within the film will be myself, and the unfound actress. The costumes and style of both will be quite casual, as to keep a relatable feel to the video, though the following pictures will act as guidelines to these:

The female style is very wintery, with features such as a large coat, scarf and possibly a beret. These must also be kept quite trendy as for the audience to relate to, as they may possible own these items of clothing, and will allow them to imitate the actress within the video.

These two pictures are what I am basing my style on.
<-- This picture is what I would wear for the scenes within the park. Sweater and, even though not within this picture, skinny jeans. This is very casual, and should give a nice contrast to the female style, though both keeping to the same lines,  will example the male/female style differences within winter.

This picture is a representation of my style in the evening scenes. Trench-coat, with a t shirt and cardigan underneath. This is slightly more formal, as the entire scene is to give a contrast of loneliness, darkness and mystery to the warmth and emotion of the other scenes.

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